UK to make electric car charges compulsory in new buildings from 2022
UK to make electric car charges compulsory in new buildings from 2022 By Euronews with AFP The UK has a rough plan to integrate car charges into every new building after 2022. There are around 145, 000 charging ports per year will be installed, this is done with the goal of reducing pollution put into their air by vehicles. Vehicles are a huge primary contributor to todays emission rating, reducing the amount of gas driven cars on the road would aid in the race against pollution. A member of the COP26 climate change summit told business leaders that he is calling for charging ports to be mandatory in new homes, supermarkets, and workplaces in England. This is a direct progression towards eliminating new sales of diesel and petrol cars in the United Kingdom from 2030. It is said in the article that the UK wants to lead by example and make it so more electric cars are on the roads. There are currently around 25,000 charging ports in and around Britan. However, the competition...